حداقل سیستم مورد نیاز :
پردازنده : | 1.9GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent |
رم : | 512 MB RAM (1.0 GB RAM is highly recommended) |
گرافیک : | 128MB Video Card with Hardware T&L and support for Pixelshader 2.0 or better |
ورژن دایرکست : | DirectX9.0c |
سیستم عامل : | Windows® 2000 (with Service pack 1 or higher) or Windows® XP (Home/Professional/Media Edition) with Service Pack 2 |
فضای مورد نیاز : | At least 1GB of free hard drive space to accommodate game files and saved games. This does not include any space used by the Windows® swap file. |
شبکه : | High-speed Modem connection is required for multiplayer games |